Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Start!

It seems fitting that I start my blog and my journey to saving even more and, hopefully, making more in 2010 on New Year's Day. It's a little weird as I know that no one is going to be reading this yet, but I am thinking of it as a journal. I used to journal ALL the time, so here goes again!

1. Figure out how to make this work! I want to make the blog look better, and have useful posts. There are already TONS of blogs/websites that post the store lists, so I see no need to do that too. I DO want to meet with others in the area who want to learn to save using coupons and the blogs.

2. Learn along with you! There is always someone saving more out there. I do what I can, try to learn more to save more, but in the end, it's really what works for each individual. Not everyone can get every deal! We all spend more for something than we could have from time to time!:)

3. Continue with my commitment to eating natural and healthy foods. I set my budget higher (for now, anyway) to accommodate my dairy intolerance and to buy foods free of nitrates, partially hydrogenated oils and High Fructose Corn syrup. This means I do shop at Whole Foods for a few items (soy yogurt!!!!) and Trader Joe's. I figure if I can save on everything else, we can afford the healthy foods! I still shop mostly at Publix, CVS and Kroger.

4. Grow this blog and Custom Couponing! Save even more in 2010!!


  1. I realize the date for this post says 2011 but I want to keep it at the top for awhile anyway- at least til SOMEONE reads my blog and this is the only way so far, I can figure out how to do that. If anyone knows differently, please let me know. It's a little weird!

  2. Yay! A comment. And yes we got a Trader Joe's last Sept (08). It's in Green Hills where the old Wild Oats was. It's not too far from MF. I'm over there more as it's not far from my son's school. I missed TJ when we first moved here so much!

  3. Colleen, to make a post to stay at the top, go to Layout and Add A Gadget and choose the HTML/Javascript or Text thing. Write whatever you want in it, you can choose to write in the Title field or leave it blank, and Save. Then drag it over above your Blog posts. HTH

  4. Thanks you Melissa, I will try to figure that out:)

  5. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
