Saturday, October 2, 2010

Month end totals- Sept 2010

I haven't posted my totals in a while and now it's time for the whole month!
So for the last two weeks:

Sept 19-25
Spent: $36.86 reg
$9.65 TJ
Saved: $256.76
Earned: $13.59 SCR, 17 UPs, $16 ECBs, $6 cats

Sept 26-Oct 2
Spent: $115.18 (made up for last week!)
TJ: $52.14
Saved: $548.02
Earned: $58.50 UP, $4 SCR, $5 cat, $5 RR, and free pink cookware of some kind.

Sept 5-Oct 2
Spent: $372.02
Saved: $1,711.65!!

Under budget this month! Oct may not be, with extra birthday expenses and a beach vacation planned.

Wags Sept 26-Oct 2

There were a few things I needed on sale at Walgreens this week plus my $5 RR was expiring, so I had to go roll it! I keep waiting for a really good week...... but this week wasn't bad. I did have to drop the Pantene Beautiful lengths deal from my scenario as my store didn't carry it.

did this in two transactions.
Spent: $3.53
Saved: $25.27
earned: $12 RR, $5 RR remaining for next time.

Rite Aid BIG WEEK! Sept 26-Oct 2

WOW RITE AID!! I went 3 times this week!

Trip #1
I did the P&G deal 3 times here- buy $30 worth of select products, get $10 UP.
In total, I spent $8.99 (almost all tax),  saved $129.80 and earned $30 UP and $2 SCR (gillette). I didn't get my Oral care gift card in time for this week to cover the tax, so I actually had OOP expenses this week.

Trip #2

I ran out of time to do my next transactions so came back in two days for these 3! 
Total spent: $7.15 saved: $92.06 earned: $18.50 UP and $2 SCR (Eos lip balm).

Transaction #3 
I went to a different store to do the Olay deal again as my favorite Franklin store was out of the eye rollers by the time I got back there.

No picture but I'll write it out for you!
1 Olay eye roller $21.99
I Olay moisturizer $7.64 (included 10% automatic discount for being at the Silver level)
1 olay might moisturizer $4.24(BOGO 50% off)
1 Sobe 1.34 (also 10% off)

- 19.99 Buy two Olay Moisturizers get eye roller for free up to 19.99 mq
-2 -1x2 Olay Mq 
-4 (-2x2) Olay skin care q from Flu book)
-1/10 Skin care RA IP
- $1.34 Free Sobe q (expiring that day so had to use it up!)
-2 UP from earlier transaction
= -.12
plus tax= 
$2.56 OOP
Got back

Totals for all week:
Spent: $18.70
Saved: $262.44
Earned: $58.50 UP
$4 SCR

QUITE a week! I think next week is slower. I need a break!